Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Therapeutic Chickens: Help this Michigan Family Save Their Chickens

Chicken Woman                copyright 2011

Action needed: Sign this petition to help this Michigan family keep their chickens for their daughter with cerebral palsy and their son with cognitive medical problems.  (Click on purple link above to access petition. Nearly 9,000 people have already signed it. Let's go for 10,000!)

TV news clip from WILX News 

Anyone who has ever raised chickens knows firsthand the therapeutic effects of raising chickens. These adorable birds make you giggle and laugh with their antics--from their jerky head movements to peck bugs off the ground to their outrageous chicken squabbles over a scoopful of scratch. I even had one peck at my back door the other night after I had put the chickens back into the coop. She was telling me that I had forgotten one--her!

Many of the breeds are so docile that they like to be held. This Cochin of mine, cleverly named Coachie, is one such hen.

In a previous post, I talk about the therapeutic effects of chickens. Chickens are known for being beneficial to children with Asperger's or autism. They often help children learn how to socialize and make eye contact.

Therapy chickens also travel to retirement and assisted living homes where seniors pet them, talk with them and receive comfort from them.

A good dose of chicken is good for the soul.

A family located in Perry, Michigan have two children, Katelyn and Lucas, who currently have access to animal-assisted therapy or chicken therapy. Perry, Michigan, is a small town that is 2.9 square miles and has a population of 2,188 people (2010 Census). It is located 22 miles northeast of Lansing (Michigan's state capitol) and 30 minutes from Flint, Michigan (according to the City site.)

Here is what the family's petition says:

Katelyn and Lucas participate in Animal-assisted therapy daily with the help of their Physical therapist, Aides, and parents.  Their therapy animal’s help to improve their social, emotional, and cognitive function, as well as an excellent motivational tool.Katelyn in 5 years old.  At two months old she suffered a 30 minute cardiac arrest and several strokes.  This left her with brain damage that affects her gross motor skill like crawling, walking, and sitting.  As an infant a Neurologist even told us that Katelyn would never be able to do anything, another neurologist told us he expected to see a vegetable after seeing her MRI.  

For the first few years of her life she made painfully slow progress in all developmental areas.  She was in and out of hospitals, saw at least one doctor every week and went to therapy several times a week.  It was very draining on everyone. Then we made a decision to try doing alternative therapies, we stopped feeding her formula, stopped many of her medications, reduced her standard therapies.  We started pool therapy, hippotherapy (a type of horseback riding with a therapist), started feeding her blended real food through her feeding tube, and started using animals as motivation to do therapy in a fun and playful way. Since then she has been defying her doctors by doing things they never expected her to do.  

Now we work her therapy animals into as much of her therapy as we can.  She practiced standing with her chickens by feeding them treats through an opening she can only reach if she is standing, she practices using her walker by using it to go collect eggs, she does many of her stretching exercises outside with the chickens.  Her therapy animals have given her the motivation she needed to reach goals her doctors and therapist never thought she would achieve.

Lucas is 7 years old and has many medical problems that affect his cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities.  His chickens serve as a constant to him and help calm him down.  They also serve to improve his cognitive skills by using the chickens in his educational home program.

Due to a city ordinance that restricts full size chickens we have asked the city for a variance to allow us to keep a small flock of chickens on our large city lot.  We have agreed to follow all the other ordinances pertaining to pets within the city, including but not limited to, not allowing them to run at large, and keeping the coop clean and in sanitary condition.  Our 8 therapy chickens are currently housed across the street at the only urban farm in Perry.  Unfortunately the city has bullied the farm into relocating and our 8 therapy chickens will no longer be able to be house there.

UPDATE: The cities deadline for a response to our request for reasonable accommodations under the American with Disabilities Act has now expired.  City council member Karen Potter has been shut out of all the discussion and the Mayor Pro Tem will not respond to any of her emails or texts regarding the matter.  Karen Potter supports our efforts and encourages people to contact local officals and show support.  contact information for the mayor pro tem and council members can be found athttp://www.perry.mi.us/departments/council.shtmlNote: I have chosen not to share all my children’s medical diagnosis online to protect some of their privacy.  But I would like to add that their medical conditions are far from stable and both children will most likely continue to regress despite the use of therapies and medical intervention.  Our goal with the animal assisted therapy is to slow this regression as much as possible and give them the best chance of maintaining and growing their developmental abilities.

It seems that if the parents of the children are willing to keep the hens in a clean coop and be respectful of their neighbors, that allowing them to keep the adult-size hens for the happiness and wellbeing of their children is only a small concession for the city of Perry to make.

News stories about this:
Here are some comments that people have written on the petition:

"As a senior Chickens have helped me from depression". - Spring Lake, MI
"I am a teacher and an animal lover and I have seen how animals help with therapy and making kids happy and confident."

UPDATE - 7.31.13

An update written by the Mom of the special needs children:

This morning I was visited by the city zoning administrator. His job is to uphold the ordinances as written, and does not have the power to change them. He informed me that my children’s chicken are in direct violation of city ordinances and action will be taken against them. The city council and Mayor have continued to remain silent. They have the power to grant my request for accommodation and I have asked them to do so. Now I call on you, my supporters to please help get the city council and mayor to grant my request for accommodation. There is a city council meeting Tuesday Aug. 6th at 7:00 that I will be attending to ask the city council to grant my request. I would like to invite anyone and everyone to please come and show their support. Anyone from anywhere can come. I am also trying to find people who live in Perry to come and speak to the council and show their support. The more people the better.
You can also call and write the mayor pro tem and council members asking them to support my request. Please remember to be courteous when addressing council members as some of them are already in support of our request. Notably Council Member Karen Potter has signed this petition in her support. Their contact info is:
Mayor Pro-Tem James Huguelet: E-Mail: jim_aandgpc@yahoo.com
Council Member Tom Chaput E-Mail: tomchaput@tds.net
Council Member Greg Wekwert E-Mail: wekwertg@michigan.gov 
Council Member Jo Anne O’Berry E-Mail: oberryk9@tds.net
Council Member Karen Potter E-Mail: Karenpotter2006@yahoo.com
Council Member Karen Davis E-Mail: davisbill594@aol.com 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Chickens Even Appear on BBC Program: Would I Lie to You?

Does Kirsty Young, Scottish television and radio presenter, name her chickens after famous newsreaders? Find out in this BBC segment from Would I Lie to You?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Keeping Eggs Fresh

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs                                                Shobe Biz Communications

Remember that vintage Volkswagen ad where too many people are stuffed into a Volkswagen Bug?

Sometimes when I open the door to my spare refrigerator in the garage I think of that ad.  Dozens of vintage eggs cartons filled with organic, multi-colored eggs are stacked to the top of every shelf. It looks as if the refrigerator was laying the eggs itself.

I usually try to sell the eggs a day or so after they are laid. I even make presents of the eggs by bringing them as hostess gifts. But, sometimes I'm so busy with  life that the eggs simply stack up. Wasting the precious output of my happy hens simply isn't an option.

Here is a decent article (get past the opening, get to the facts, and ignore some of the grammatical errors) about the many ways that you can preserve your eggs: Twelve Ways to Store Chicken Eggs to Keep Their Freshness by Fahran Sheikh.

Some of the options that Skeikh  includes are:

1.  A blooming good idea: Don't wash unwashed eggs. The eggs have a bloom on them that keeps them fresher longer.

2.  The ostrich technique: Bury unwashed eggs in dry sand.

3.  The beach-goers technique: Coat them with mineral oil.

4.  The "I'm all mixed-up" technique: Beat them like scrambled eggs, put them into airtight containers and freeze them.

The only one I've tried so far is not washing the egg until I am ready to use it. I've noticed that the bloom does help the egg stay fresh much longer.

With 12 new hens just two months away from laying,  it's time to start exploring my options, again, for keeping the girls' eggs fresh. I think I'll start first with my own technique: cleaning out the spare refrigerator.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Royal Nod to Chickens

An Engraving of Queen Victoria's Poultry House at Home Park, Windsor (1854)

It's not just celebrities who have a fascination with chickens. Throughout history, royalty has been smitten with chickens as well. Just take a gander at Queen Victoria's royal chicken abode. Pretty nice digs for poultry plumage! 

And, it seems like the Brits are still rousing up the history of chickens--ever since chicken bones were discovered in an Iron Age pot at West Deeping in Lincolnshire. It seems, according to an article in House and Home by Jonathon Foyle that "a research collaboration between Bournemouth and Nottingham Universities" called “The Chicken Coop” "will bring together anthropologists, archaeologists and even theologists to understand the ascent of chicken husbandry." 

Other royals have housed their chickens in grand palaces. At Versailles, there was the Royal Menagerie (1664) and a Russian aviary was built for Tsar Paul I. 

My coop on the top of my hill for my fifteen chickens is the more proletariat of the coop estates. But, with all of its avian wire and redwood panels, it seems to do the job just fine. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Birth

The Goepoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man (1943) - Salvador Dali
This time of year signifies "the hatch" and this painting, The Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man (1943), is a fascinating Dali that represents a hatch. 

According to the Dali Museum's website: "The man breaking from the egg emerges out of the "new" nation, America, signaling a global transformation. Africa and South America are both enlarged, representing the growing importance of the Third World, while Europe is being crushed by the man's hand, indicating its diminishing importance as an international power. The draped cloth above and below the egg represents the 'placenta' of the new nation, which, as Dali shows with a drop of blood, can only be born through much pain and suffering. An androgynous older figure stands in the foreground and points to the emerging man, acknowledging the birth of this global transformation. The cowering child with its long shadow- the 'Geopoliticus Child' of the title-represents this new age." 

Salvador Dali (1904-1989), a Spanish Catalin surrealist painter, was known for his eccentric ways and his paintings dripping with bizarre images. His artistic repertoire included film, photography, and sculpture. He collaborated with Walt Disney and Alfred Hitchcock. His wife, Gala, acted as his business manager and they were together for over 50 years. 

It was my youngest brother who first introduced me to Dali's work when he showed meThe Persistence of Memory. I was in junior high and remember being both disgusted and fascinated by Dali. Who was this painter who rendered such deep meaning through such extraordinary images?

When I recently came across "The Geopoliticus Child..." painting, I was awestruck by Dali's "hatch". In Dali's painting, man emerges from the shell hand first, head still locked inside, feet pushing against the interior of the shell, struggling to break free. 

Isn't that how life goes? As we being to morph into better beings, our minds are still grasping onto what is familiar, unwilling to let go -- of memories, of moments, of fears built from past experiences.  We convince ourselves that we are "safer" in the darkness of our shells.

Yet, there is something inside of us that knows we can do better or be better. So, the hatch begins. First, we chirp inside our shells to let our family and friends know we need to be different. Then, we rock back-and-forth, creating a small earthquake of sorts, to see who is coming along with us.  Once we're in position with supportive family and friends, we begin tapping at our shell, at first weak, then stronger, until a tiny shaft of gentle light breaks through. The light intensifies as our shell begins to crack away. At last, we stand free, on wobbly feet, facing our new being.

"Hatching" hurts. It requires stamina, fortitude, patience, and faith. It shakes up everything we have known and pretended to be. It demands that we create a strong belief in ourselves and conviction to our newly-discovered authenticity. 

If you're considering a "hatch" but keep falling back into that place of fear, ask yourself which is scarier: The darkness of your shell or the light of a new beginning?

An Olive Egger Hatches                  copyright Shobe Biz Communications

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cracking Some Fun Facts About Eggs

Cracking the Eggs Facts Wide Open
There are a whole lot of facts about eggs that we don't know but are fun to learn.
For instance, did you know that the egg white contains 57% of the total egg's protein content and contains Vitamin B3, Vitamin B2, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, sodium and sulfur?

Elizabeth Woods, a doctor, has a few more fun facts about eggs in her article, Amazing Facts About Eggs.

The Hatch Has Begun

The Hatch                           copyright: Shobe Biz Communications
The Hatch has begun. I was walking through the family room and I heard some chirping coming from the incubator. Sure enough, I looked inside and there was an egg cracked from the pecking of a hatching chick. I upped the humidity in the incubator to the recommended 65% by pouring a bit more water in. I'm not sure how long it is going to take for the chick to break through.

Since the chick is hatching at the time when most Europeans are awakening from an evening slumber, I think it's only appropriate that this chick be named a French name. Any ideas?

(An interesting fact about newly-hatched chicks from Backyard ChickensDo not be in a hurry to take chicks out of the incubator. Gallinaceous birds, such as chickens, quail, and pheasants survive up to 3 days without feed or water. The yolk of the egg is drawn through the navel into the stomach of the baby bird before it hatches. That provided enough nourishment for the transitional period from the time the bird hatches, fluffs out, gains strength and becomes active enough to go out and seek food. Chicks continue to grow and develop in the incubator, before they receive food. Of course, they do not gain weight, but they do gain in stature, activity and use of their faculties.
They will instinctively be interested in drops of water, each other's toes, and other objects of possible experimentation. Do not assume from these evidences of interest that the chicks are hungry. It is simply nature's way of experimentation, exploration, and learning of the young. In general chicks are taken from the incubator after 24 hours. No harm is done if they are not taken out for 48 hours after they hatch.)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Brad Pitt Brings Home The Chickens...

An article written by Shobhit Kaira in Parda Phash said that Brad Pitt not only brings home the bacon, he also brought home chickens, geese, ducks, goats, llamas, emus and rabbits to his French Chateau Mirava house that he shares with his fiancee Angelina Jolie's and their brood of six children. They now have quite a farm and Brad has to be one of the finer looking "Old MacDonald's"!

Here's an older blog on Celebrity Chicks with Chicks.

The Chicken Trainer - Bob Bailey

My English Doodle, Mango, needs a bit of training. For a one-year old, things could be worse, but let's just say that her habit of shredding every bit of paper or stuffed animal that she sees along with jumping up on any guests who walk through the door doesn't make for the best dog in the world. She's made some progress since her Puppy Academy days (which she nearly flunked), but not much.

So, I started asking around for trainers and Sheila recommended Sarah Browne, a trainer who formerly worked with animals at Sea World. A trainer from Sea World? Perfect. If Sarah can handle a ton of blubber, she can handle little medium-sized Mango.

So, I called Sarah and she asked me to meet her at the local mall, which I did. The training commenced.  Sarah was so wonderful that people were stopping and asking her for her phone number. I swear Mango would have invited her out for margaritas if she could have.

During training, I casually mentioned to Sarah, "I also raise chickens. Perhaps you can come to my house and work with Mango so she doesn't chase the chickens."

Sarah looked at me with that wide-eyed trainer look and said, "Sure. But, in order to train the dogs, you also need to train the chickens."

Train the chickens? Gulp!

I asked her how exactly I was expected to do that. She said that the chickens would need to be desensitized to Mango so that they didn't fly when they saw her. "It's the flying that really makes a dog run after them," she said.

I started to count the required training time in my head. Fifteen chickens times ten hours a chicken (at least). One hundred and fifty hours? Yeah, right! Sweat started to trickle down the side of my face.

"But, I'm a working girl," I professed.

Sarah offered up the name Bob Bailey. He trains chickens to teach people how to train dogs, she said. I, of course, had never heard of Bob but Sarah assured me he's one of the top trainers in the U.S., and I trust Sarah.

So, here's a video of Bob training chickens.

Anyone have any luck with training their chicken? We'd love to hear your stories!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mamika and Her Chicken, Bob

Mamika and Her Chicken, Bob         copyright Sacha Goldberger

Prominent French photographer Sacha Goldberger shot this photo essay of his grandma, Mamika, and her chicken, Bob. Check out more photos on Incredible Things by Brittany High.

According to an article in Huffington Post (2010), Goldberger wanted to cheer up his 91-year old Hungarian grandmother, Fredericka, so he decided to dress her up in costumes and create a photo series. The end result: a photo book entitled Mamika.

Here's a link to the Mamika Super Hero series. And, another link to purchase Goldberger's book: Mamika; My Mighty Little Grandmother. 

copyright Sacha Goldberger

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Embryonic Cycle of a Chicken - Day #4

Which Came First?                           Copyright Caitlin Johnston

It's Day #4 of the twelve-egg incubation. Phew, this is hard work...just kidding.

Things are progressing well. The heat in the incubator is reading a steady 99.1 degrees and the humidity stays around 56%. About once a day, I add just a smidgen more water so that humidity doesn't ever fall below 55%. I did what was suggested by the incubator reviews on Amazon. I ordered a separate digital thermometer to put inside the incubator. It's much easier to read then the one provided, thus giving me more accurate readings. (In other words, no reading glasses are needed.)

The incubator sits on my kitchen island, plugged in, quietly humming along. The only competing sound is the drone of the refrigerator and the occasional turning on-and-off of the house heater. If only human birth was this easy!

So, far, my cat, Sequoia, couldn't care a less what's inside that medium-sized box with the funny dials on top. I suspect, though, when the chicks hatch, her nose will be twitching and her tail will be swishing as she leans over the box. Sequoia will be spending a lot of time outdoors at that point!

This morning on their Facebook site, Our Little Coop posted this marvelous scientific illustration from Caitlin Johnston. According to Caitlin's blog, she is a graduate student studying Biomedical Visualization at UIC and lives in the Windy City aka Chicago. This illustration offers an excellent visual of the embryonic progression of a chicken.

Right now, on Day #4, my little chicks hearts are beginning to beat!

I must admit that this birthing process makes me sentimental. It evokes memories of the many babies I've witnessed being born: kittens while I was in college (I even held the mother cat in my lap while she was birthing her first kittenl); goats in the backyard of my friend Rebecca's, house; a humpback whale in Kauai...but, most importantly, the birth of my beautiful daughter and, then, my beautiful granddaughter. There is something so beautiful, so precious, so hopeful, so optimistic about birth.

Older posts about birth:
The First Egg
The Birth of Backyard Kids
Venus in Transit

Friday, March 8, 2013

Working on a Dino-Hatch Day #3-The Evolution of Chickens from Dinosaurs

Family Reunion                      Illustration by Mary Williams

While working on Day #3 of my dino-hatch, I discovered this illustration by Paleo-artist and illustrator Mary Williams. According to her blog on Tumblr, she is just finishing grad school. I find her work fascinating, especially this one. She is making artistic commentary on the fact that researchers believe the chicken is the closest living relative to the dinosaur. They may be on to something. Just look at the claws of the chickens (compare my photo below with the illustration of Mary's above.) Tell me those little clawed wonders don't remind you of the Jurassic Period?

Here's a former blog post I wrote, The Distinction of Extinction: Did T-Rex Become A Chicken?

Photo by Shobe Biz Communications

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day #1 of the Hatch

The Incubator                    copyright Shobe Biz Communications

I've never hatched an egg before. (Why does Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss keep popping up in my mind?) After having raised three rounds of day-old chicks over the past year-and-a-half,  I decided to venture out and try something different--incubating fertilized eggs.

First things first, I hatched a plan. I desired a flock that would lay a variety of multicolored eggs--eggs that were olive, and blue, and chocolate--eggs that would make great photos. I, then, began to research purveyors of fertilized eggs.

When I typed in olive eggers--a cross between the Black Copper Maran and Ameracauna, and fertilized eggs on my Google search, I was directed to Chicken Scratch Poultry, a online site that sells fertilized eggs or day-old chicks.

I emailed Angie, the very friendly owner at Chicken Scratch Poultry, and placed an order for twelve varied chicks: 4 Olive Eggers, 2 Welsummers, 2 blue egg Ameracaunas, 2 French Black Copper Marans, and 2 French Blue Copper Marans. Angie was very helpful and communicative and told me specifically when the package of fertilized eggs would arrive. And, that date was today, March 7.

To see a box with the words "fragile" inscribed on it at my front doorstep excited me to no end. Carefully packed inside the box was a split egg carton, with six wrapped and marked eggs on each side. 

I unwrapped the eggs from the carton and gently placed them into my Farm Innovators Pro 4200 Incubator that was on the island in my kitchen. The night before, after a delicious dinner at a Korean barbecue restaurant, I had come home and set up the incubator. In about three hours, the temperature was within the suggested 99 to 100 degrees F and the humidity was within the suggested 55-60% (after adding a little bit of water into the bottom of the tray).

The soft hum of the incubator suggested that my baby chicks were beginning to "bake". I noticed that as my house cooled in the evening, the incubator needed a slight adjustment to maintain its temperature. What I didn't expect was an incubator sensitivity to any slight turn of its top dial. With a slight twist, the temperature quickly rose to 101 degrees. I took the top off for a few minutes to let the  temperature drop. By turning dial to the left just a bit, the temperature fell back into range.

I now have 12 potential fertilized eggs going through the process of being potential chicks. Research shows there is a 50-80% hatch rate and then, there is a 50% chance that the chick can be a rooster. So, if you're searching for hens who are good layers, you may have better luck purchasing day old chicks. Unfortunately, I am the adventurous kind and believe in testing my scientific luck.

I'll keep you posted as the days progress!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

What to Do After the Chickens Hatch

The Broody Lady Rah Rah                         Credit: Shobe Biz Communications

My Farm Innovators Model 4200 Incubator just arrived! This is my first foray into hatching chicks in an incubator. The eggs will be shipped next week from Chicken Scratch Poultry and will be a mix of Olive Egger, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, French Black Copper Marans, and Welsummer fertilized eggs. I'm going for the different colored eggs this year for photographic and innovation reasons.

Since this is my first time incubating eggs, I thought I should bone up on some research. Travis Kellar of The Sentinel (Pennyslvania) wrote an informative article How to Raise Baby Chickens After Hatching. The Chickens should not be removed from the incubator until 48 hours after hatch. The brooder needs to be kept at 95 degrees and the temperature should be reduced five degrees for every successive week.

For the last several years, I have used a 250-watt heat lamp in the chicks brooder. For the brooder, I found a large wooden box and created a lid for it out of a wooden frame and avian wire.  In the chicks water, I put a few drops of apple cider vinegar and feed them yogurt to help them avoid pasty butt.

Who doesn't enjoy raising baby chicks? Now, it's time to try something new. I can't wait to see how the incubator works and how many chicks successfully peck their way into their new home!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Free Webinar on February 28 About Raising Backyard Chickens

Lady Rah Rah Sitting Pretty                                         c.Shobe Biz Communications
Aw, c'mon. Don't even tell me that you forgot to mark the week of February 24 on your calendar as a special week; after all, it's Bird Health Awareness Week.

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) posted on their blog that in recognition of this week, they are offering a special free webinar called, "Growing Chicks Into Healthy Chickens: Getting Ready for Spring."  It will air on Thursday, February 28, at 2 p.m. EST.

Here's what they say you'll learn:

      1. How to get your birds and equipment ready for spring
      2. What to look for when buying chicks to start or build your flock.
      3. What are the best or most popular breeds.
      4. How to keep your flock safe from predators and disease.
      5. What are the signs of infectious disease.
      6. Where to find resources to help you.

Three poultry experts will be on the show including:

      Andy Schneider, "The Chicken Whisperer"
      Dr. Martin Smeltzer, USDA poultry veterinarian
      Dr. Claudia Dunkley, University of Georgia poultry scientist.

Pre-registration is required. For more information, check out the USDA's blog page.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Minaret's First Egg

Minaret's First Egg                          Photo Courtesy of Eve

Minaret, a lovely local Ameracauna who is relatively "new" onto the scene, just laid her first egg--an egg with a lovely bluish tint--for her "mother", Eve. (To everyone's surprise, Minaret didn't end up being a rooster!)

As we Chicken Women all know, there's nothing quite like a hen's first egg. When I came home last spring from a vacation to a local rural valley, I discovered my hen's first egg on the floor of the coop. I was so thrilled that I immediately began taking pictures. And, then, my girl Coachie, as if obeying some celestial clock, decided to lay her second egg for me while I was standing there...ah, there's nothing like "birth"!

A hen's first egg (oeuf) is definitely a cause for celebration. Eve seems to know how to celebrate in style--with a "pop" of the cork from a yummy bottle of champagne and a toast in honor of the young "gal.". Congratulations, Eve and Minaret!

Eve is the newbie owner of four lovely hens and a talented writer, photographer and foodie. She spends a good deal of her time whipping up delicious yummies both locally and in France and writes a wonderful foodie blog called Blue Moon. (Check it out. I just may have to whip up her delicious recipe on homemade Potstickers as an appetizer for Valentine's Day!) And, her mother, Tana, is proud to say that she is the great-grandmother of this new egg--although, as she said in her email, "it will get eaten!"

Here's a link to the story I wrote last spring about my Coachie's first egg: The First Egg.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Which Came First--The Chicken or The Egg?

Are you a member of Team Chicken or Team Egg?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Egg-traordinary Facts

Eggs from Chicken Women's Girls          Photo credit: Shobe Biz Communications

Crack open a fresh-from-the-farm egg and what's the first reaction? The yolk is orange. Orange yolks mean that the eggs are higher in carotenoids, which usually means the egg has higher amounts of Vitamin A and Omega-3. 

The Stir  at CafeMom.com has twelve surprise facts about eggs. Some of their other fun facts include:

1.  Vitamin D is all in the yolk of an egg.

2.  Those yucky little blood spots in the eggs (that we all try to avoid because it grosses us out) are when a blood vessel ruptures when the egg forms. They are not from fertilization.

3.  The freshest eggs sometimes have cloudy whites.

4.  A bad egg floats. My neighbor told me this one. Just think if all the human "bad eggs" floated??

5.  An egg takes 24-26 hours to form and the large end comes out first (I guess we can liken it to the head of baby). The average hen lays 250-270 eggs a year (ouch!). 

6.  To clean up egg off of the floor? Sprinkle salt on it.

Read the article for more amazing facts.

Here are some past Chicken Women posts that relate to eggs:

Cracking the Shell & Exposing the Heart - what makes hard-boiled eggs easy to peel & much more

Eggs are Excellent for Runners - it's true. They are.

All the Eggs in One Basket - A story about NOT putting all of your eggs in one basket...or maybe it is putting them in one basket, a basket at a time.

The Eggshell Sculptor - extraordinary eggshell art for the nimble of hand.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Hatching Chick

There's nothing like watching a chicken being born. Here's a Rhode Island Red coming out of its shell. As the video reminds us, do not attempt to help a hatching chicken because interference usually results in the death of a chicken.

If you order your chicks through a feed store or hatchery, it's time to place your orders for new chicks. You don't have to order "your average bears." There are some really unusual chickens out there. I absolutely love some of my unusual breeds and the eggs they lay.

Greenfire Farms in Midway, Florida specializes in selling unusual breeds. They are priced $19 to $999 ($999 for a Bielefelder chick). Imagine, $999 for one chick. Chicks at local hatcheries and feed stores are usually much less, around $3 or so per chick.

"Some people talk to animals. Not many listen, though. That's the problem." - A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh.